What will your game teach the player about your topic ?How important it is, what are some things tat can be done , even if they aren't as big ideas but , they can still help by doing a little part .
Where does your game happen ? Around Austin ,& the immigrants " home ".
Describe the world you will design for your game ? I will make the world how it is & try to make it realistic .
How will this setting add to the learning expierience ?Because , it shows it's around where the player lives not just in one place .
How does your game world teach the player about your topic? Like i said before it shows that it is not only in some places it happens almost all around the world .
What happens in the world that helps the player learn ?Different things about my topic , mainly is the pop-ups that are going to pop up & have facts
How does the player use what they learned to make somethign happen in the game ?Because , they start understanding how difficult it is going to keep being for these immigrants if they don't understand .
Why is a game better way of understanding your topic than a quiz ?Because , it can have more realistic imgaes & actually have way more facts .