Friday, November 18, 2011

Imagining Your Game

Who are you designing your game for ? Anyone who would like to learn about immigration & enjoys games .
What will your game teach the player about your topic ?How important it is, what are some things tat can be done , even if they aren't as big ideas but , they can still help by doing a little part .

Where does your game happen ? Around Austin ,& the immigrants " home ".

Describe the world you will design for your game ? I will make the world how it is & try to make it realistic .
How will this setting add to the learning expierience ?Because , it shows it's around where the player lives not just in one place .

How does your game world teach the player about your topic? Like i said before it shows that it is not only in some places it happens almost all around the world .

What happens in the world that helps the player learn ?Different things about my topic , mainly is the pop-ups that are going to pop up & have facts

How does the player use what they learned to make somethign happen in the game ?Because , they start understanding how difficult it is going to keep being for these immigrants if they don't understand .

Why is a game better way of understanding your topic than a quiz ?Because , it can have more realistic imgaes & actually have way more facts .

Monday, October 24, 2011

Mini Game

What did you learn from your choice of games & genres to review ?
Action : & Races

I could say i learned some math . More fractions . & trying to have faster skills with games because i am not very fast with them so , that was something i kind of got better at because of all the games especially if they were timed .

Name any game genres features that stood out to you either because they way they were interesting or because they could be improved ?

Games genres that stood out to me were the Puzzle & maze games . I really liked them , because they were really fun & challenging .

Write down any questions you have about a game or genre you choose .

Monday, August 29, 2011

# 2 Single Story

Danger of a single story . . .
She is from Nigeria . She was a early reader & writter . Her books were about white people . Her image of white people was that they would eat apples , have blonde hair & blue eyes & that they would sit around & talk about the weather . She tought african-american people couldn't exsist in those books . So , she started writing literature .
What does it mean to have a " single story " about a place or community ? Yes , about my own community East Austin , a lot of people say it is bad , & that they think that every school is bad .
Decribe a single story you have heard told about your community . What is missing from that story ? How could people learn more about that community ? A single story i have heard is that there ar no good chools around here & that everyone drops out . Which is not true because for example our school is a very good school & i know we won't drop out , well i won't . Everyone goes by what they have heard & when they actually realize they were wrong they see what people say is not always true . So , i think people shouldn't judge a whole community because just because one or two schools arelike that doesn't mean other schools are .
Describe another single story you have heard about another community ? How did you learn that story ? How could you find out more about that community ? I have heard that every school in the west side are good schools because everyone in that community has a lot of money . Which isn't true because there are some people that live there but don't always have to have a lot of money . I learned that by hearing what people say & on the news . I could learn mor eabout that community by looking it up or maybe even going over there & see if it is true .
How could a game let payers experience many stories about a place or a community ?It could maybe when they win it could have options to learn about that comunity & a little article will pop up .

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

#1 Cyberbullying 2011

This is my first blog post of the 2011-2012 school year . . .
What is cyberbullying ? A cyber bully could be anyone & also is someone who is doing it by the internet & could also do it by a phone or text messaging . Someone who picks on you over & over again , Says mean things about you.
Why do people cyberbully ? People cyberbully because they want to feel better about them selfs , jealousy , want power , beacuse they have been bullied or simply because they want to bully & think it is right.
How to fix that problem ? You shouldn't open the messages & make the agresser think you did not get the messages You should tell a trusted adult & tell them how you feel about it , together they should be able to figure out if you want to block that peson or report the spam.
How do you know who it is ? You actually don't know because they will not put up their real picture or they're real name but , either way they can be tracked dowm the person.
Cyberbully . . .
How does the main character feel about using " Clicksters " at the beginning of the film ? Her mom didn't approve of it , & she didn't really care about it , in other words it didn't matter if she didn't have one.
What is her family situations ? ( economic status , challanges etc. ) Taylor & her mom , ad a good relationship even though she thought she was over protective . Taylor & her brother also had a normal relationship like any other brother & sister . Unlike Tayor & her father they didn't ave such a good relationship at the momnet since her dad left her mom for a younger woman.

What type of frienship does she have ? She had two bestfriends , Samantha & Cheyenne . They had her back through it all & were good friends until Taylor made Samatha mad.

What happened to Taylor's " Clickster " account ? It got hacked , & someone posted " i am a naughty girl someone should spank me " . She took it really serious & was crying . & Later she found out it was her brother who had hacked it.

Who was the culprit ? Lindsay , she would make fun of Taylor & insult her . She also posted up mean comments on " Clicksters ".

What changes do you see in Taylor as she continues to use " Clicksters " ? She starts having problems & gets sad & mad cause of all those mean comments people were posting about her & it starts getting worse after Cheyenne doesn't want to be seen with her & tells her not to follow her . & then she tries to commit suicide , they stop her . & she finds out that her friend Samantha is the one who mad ethe fake profile who was supposably " James " . ( she told him a lot of personal information when she didn't even know him.

How does Taylor react to the mean comments people keep posting about her ? She gets sad & obiously she cares if she gets so depressed & tries to commint suicide.

Does she even try to stop people from posting insults ? What could she have done ? No , her mom tells her to shut it down & she doesn't listen . She could have done that fro the beginning.

How do you think Taylor felt about her " friends " betraying her ? I think it made her feel way worse . Knowing her friend would do that just to keep her away from tis boy , Scott.

What kind of changes do you see in Taylor experience though the film ? That now she knows to ask for help . & the a lot of other people actually learned that they shouldn't stay quiet & keep on letting it happen because it brings a lot of consequences.