Monday, October 25, 2010


My topic is about deforstrstion.I really would like to persuade people to recycle more and help our earth.We are using alot of trees we are only soposed to use a certian percentage of our trees and we have used way more than that.Just us in the whole world,have over used our percentage of trees.Everyone should really be able to reacycle at least a little or whatever they can because I know it would recycle alot of paper because if we use alot we should be able to at least recycle it.So I am really intersted in this topic thats why I chose it,trees are really important to me because they do so much for us and we could at least try to save them.The trees give us the most important thing that we need to live which is oxygen of course .


  1. Your idea sounds really cool .I can also see that you are very interesed in doing something to help.

  2. yea your idea soung so great and the same thing that christian says
